Wednesday, May 2, 2012

The Beginning: My Juicing Journey

Over Spring Break (April 6 - 15) I signed up for a Netflix free trial. (LOVE!) I happened to find the documentary Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead.

Life changing.

The gist is that this guy, Joe, has gained a bunch of weight, takes a bunch of pills, and - get this - has CHRONIC HIVES. Sound familiar? He gets checked by a doctor and then goes on a juice-only diet for 60 days. In the end, he even helps another guy (Phil) do the same thing. Joe came off all his meds and lost a bunch of weight. So inspiring.

So I spent some time thinking about it - juice fasting. And realized that with my current life style I just couldn't go with no food. There's too much right now - testing in 8 days, remediation after that, being a "single mom" 5 nights a week while my husband works. So I did some research and decided that I'd replace my meals of Instant Breakfast (breakfast and lunch) with juice. Also, I'd eliminate junk foods from my diet.

Then I had to face facts - how was I going to get money for a juicer?

Lucky for me, I got some money for my birthday and then some more for our wedding anniversary. Since my husband had spent the Christmas money to fix his car he told me to spend the Anniversary money on a juicer.

After all, spending $128 (plus fruits and veggies) is WAY cheaper than doctors to diagnose my hives.

So, I ordered the juicer (with a 20% off coupon) from Bed, Bath, and Beyond. And began the "Did it come?!" dance every day. Until yesterday!

After a quick trip to Walmart for produce (don't judge!), this is what my Twitter stream looked like:

I was seriously so excited. I got up this morning and had a glass of fruit juice - wonderful.  Until lunch time rolled around - and I discovered that what I thought "fixed" the juice last night, hadn't.  It was still pretty awful.

So I've learned my lesson - I don't like celery. At all.  That made me much more cautious about juicing today. But that's another post.

Have you ever juiced? What are your favorite recipes? Please share tips and tricks in the comments!


  1. Good luck Beth! I'm also doing a juice fast right now. I'm on Day 5 of 7 and I'm feeling great! Feel free to share your juice fasting story with my blog: Juice on!

  2. Lets face it, the best juice should have 80% veggies and 20% fruit. I have been juicing for 4 month. Started juicing breakfast for 3 month. And now juicing twice a day. My lunch is 2 apples and like 12oz of mixed nuts. Have lost 54lbs from 340 to 286. No my juices have this: carrot, beet, cucumber, celery, spinach, parsley, romaine lettuce, red apple, lemon, ginger, jalapeƱo and strawberries all that together. I also add chia seeds and spirulina. I will continue this until I reach 220lbs. I have a Facebook page where I put my progress Good luck!!!
