Sunday, August 21, 2011

End of Summer Highlights

This has been quite a summer! We've kept busy and the girls didn't mangle each other too badly.  However, EVERYONE has been grumpy the last few days.  So much so that I'm more than ready to be back at school!  I'm tired of doing things for everyone and tired of negotiating everyone's battles.  The girls are on each others' last nerve.  Annoying things aside, we've had a great summer.  Here are some recent highlights:

 Lots of self portraits this summer. The girls have discovered photography - WATCH OUT!

Several marathon games of Mono-poly (Katy's silly.)

Harry Potter Night!

A few lost teeth!

Don't ask. Just don't.

It was a good summer but I'm glad it's done.  What did you do this summer?

Sunday, August 14, 2011

When You Can't Find What You Want...

Sew it!

Some of my earliest memories are of my mom in front of her sewing machine.  It seemed like she was always whipping up things for me to wear.  Since I've been an adult, she's sewn a few things for me (dresses in college, nursing tops and dresses as a new mom) but nothing recently.  I asked her to teach me the basics - and she said yes!

So here is a little timeline for you, followed by pictures.

  • The girls and I arrived Thursday at noon. We met for lunch. Then my dad took the girls to the pool while my mom and I shopped for fabric and notions (I already had the patterns.)
  • Thursday night we discovered we made a mistake with our fabric purchase, but we were able to make it work. We cut apart the patterns and organized our pieces.
  • Friday morning we shopped at Hobby Lobby (got the right amounts of fabric!) We also hit Target and Kohls for shoes for the girls and me.
  • Friday I went to lunch with my dad then returned to learn to sew. Girls went to the pool with Grandpa.  We cut the fabric for the first dress.
  • Friday night the first dress is mostly together. We hit a few snags and had to stop and let the dress sit overnight.
  • Saturday we didn't do much more than fiddle with the first dress all day.  Girls went to the pool with Grandpa again.  Finally got dress 1 hemmed and finished at about 10pm.  We cut the fabric for dress 2.
  • Sunday my mom did all the sewing for dress 2 - it was a more complicated pattern. I went to lunch with my dad and the girls. Then when he took them to the pool, I kept my mom company and was available for fittings as needed.  Dress 2 was actually much simpler and more straightforward with WAY less modifications needed.
As promised...

Dress 1: Retro Butterick 4790 Misses' Wrap Dress

Dress 2: Simplicity 2884 It's So Easy Misses Dresses
Added placket in the "v"
Crossed the straps
I'm excited for school to start! I'm planning to wear a little sweater/shrug with both dresses to cover my arms/back. When I actually wear them, I'll post pictures :)

What do you do for clothing?  Do you find the styles and fit you like in the stores?

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Vacation Pictures!

I made a quick movie in Picasa and uploaded it to YouTube.  Enjoy!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Toes in the Water...

Enjoying our vacation to the Nth degree!  Took oodles of pictures and enjoyed playing with them in Picasa.  I was planning to upload them but the wifi is SO SLOW! So you'll get a sample with more on Sunday (when I'm home with my speedy wifi!)