Friday, December 31, 2010

This Moment - Unexpected Event

{this moment} - A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. If you're inspired to do the same, hop over to SouleMama over at and add your link to the comments.

 Sneaky girl didn't tell me it was loose! This is tooth #3. Pen for size reference. So tiny!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

This is my chance....

to organize the kitchen to within an inch of its life!

But now that the opportunity is here, I'm stuck on where to start. I tweeted my dilemma, but now I'm hoping to get more input if I give more details (and pictures!)

We'll start with pictures since I'm very visual :)

And here is a cheezy floorplan I made in Paint. To give an idea of the layout, it is a funky shaped room. Forgot the window over the sink. And it goes without saying, it isn't to scale :)

There are 2 fridges in the pictures.  Only the one in the floor plan will stay.  There might also be a brown cabinet and doggie stuff in the pictures. That will all go. I'm left with the items in the plan.  The fridge currently blocks off a door to the back porch that we don't use.  We'd like to keep it blocked, either with the fridge or our chest freezer (currently in the basement.)

There are open shelves on either side of the window/sink. They aren't well utilized, what are your ideas?!?!?!

There is no pantry, so food has to go in cupboards.  Most of our dishes are kept in the dining room in a cabinet.  I need storage and organization ideas for all the other stuff: food, pots/pans, crock pots, cooking utensils, etc.

Help! My previous kitchen was TINY and organization wasn't an issue - you just put things where there was room, lol.  This kitchen needs to be husband proof and kid proof - I've got an almost-ten year old and a seven-and-a-half year old.

And the caveat(s):
  • free is good (we're so broke, it ain't funny)
  • not in the mood to paint (it isn't about looks, it is about function)
  • rearranging is fine if it leads to more function
  • FREE!!!!!
Thanks for your help! I'll post more pictures after :)

Wordless Wednesday - White Christmas!

I linked up over at Angry Julie Monday! Go check it out!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas Surprises

I hope everyone had a great Christmas!  We always use the old 8mm video camera to tape the chaos.  It is fun to go back and watch later.  This year, I've burned it to DVD and managed to upload my most favorite moment to YouTube! Yay me!  Enjoy this moment with me... pay close attention to facial expressions (and you might want to turn down the volume, it gets shrieky!)

I loved having the chance this Christmas to really surprise the girls.  They were completely convinced they weren't getting any kind of big, fancy gift - money is tight.  Also, a week previous, a good friend of theirs got a DS -  I explained to them that they shouldn't expect that.  They were disappointed, but fine.

I loved this moment!

Friday, December 24, 2010

This Moment

Wednesday evening
{this moment} - A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. If you're inspired to do the same, hop over to SouleMama over at and add your link to the comments.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Save Me!

From myself.  Seriously, the stress of everything is driving me to eat.  One night it was chocolate frosting on graham crackers. One afternoon it was the rest of the lava cake. Another was chocolate chip cookies.  Chips will do in a pinch, as will just about anything else (cheese, crackers, old Halloween candy)  I dread making Christmas cookies with the girls - more to nibble.  My self-control is gone.  Stress -->Eating-->Not loosing weight and feeling crappier about myself.

I know what needs to be done. Exercise. But I'm just feeling so relaxed and lazy that I can't face it.  But I know I've got to...

Anyone out there fighting the same battle? Should I torture my daughters and make them do it with me? *evil cackle* Anyone out there willing to be an exercise buddy? (Since mine is out of town and moving out)

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Wordless Wednesday

Our version of the "Elf on a Shelf." Who should be called "Mama's Miracle Maker."

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Changes are a Comin'

I don't post much information about my personal life. For many reasons, I prefer to keep certain things to myself.  But there is a big change coming and I'm going to need a place to vent/spew/whine/cry/pout.

We are currently living with a friend of mine and her son.  On Saturday, they dropped a bomb - they are moving out January 1.

This leaves me feeling shocked - but it also explains a LOT of her strange behavior recently.  I'm working on my feelings - shocked, bitter, hurt, and angry - and moving toward a better place. I'm looking to find the positives about the new situation.  I'm not going to let this disrupt my vacation and holiday.

Have you ever been blindsided by a friend?  How did you manage to move on and not ruin the friendship?

Saturday, December 18, 2010

What a day

Without going into too many details, because that always seems to cause me more problems....

We are entering a new phase in our household.  For the last year we've been sharing a house with a friend and her son.  We found out today that they are moving out January 1.

We are super close (or I thought we were) and I'm feeling kind of upset by this.  I foresee many changes in the next few weeks.  My entire support network is crumbling around me.

Back to life as a loner/homebody.

What a suck-tastic day.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Happy Holidays!

Wishing everyone out there a happy holiday season!
Stay warm (or cool, if you prefer.)
Relax with family and friends (or work hard if you'd rather.)
But most of all, enjoy yourself! (I hope no one argues that one!)

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Not sure what it means

but my home scale reads 160!! and since that is the scale I've got, we'll go by it. And maybe aim for a little more weight loss. Because, I'm not convinced that I've lost 10 pounds in about a month.

In better news, I've been eating better/less this week and have exercised 3 times. Yay, me!  Let's hope I can stick with it - I've picked up a cold that is making me feel icky.

Yes, this is short, but I'm tired and cold. Off to bed for me!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Happy, happy, joy, joy - Christmas Cards again?

I love Christmas - the tree, the lights, the baked goodies.  Generally I love everything about the season except the cards.  Last year we were gearing up for a move and didn't even send cards.  And most other years, cards don't get sent until AFTER Christmas!  So this year, I'm excited to be using Shutterfly's cards.  I can kill two birds with one stone - get a photo card so I don't have to get prints of pictures to include in a tradidtional card. 

Also, since the basement is scarily full of stuff, I won't have to go hunt the one box of 100s that has the old cards in it.  Sneaky, huh?

So, there are several cards I like.  Here they are, in no particular order:
I like this - I can use several photos and include a message.  Then just sign, seal, address, and mail it!

I love the list idea - easier than composing an actual letter and fun too.  Only 2 photos though, so I'm not as sure of this one as the other.

This is totally my girls right now.  One minute, they love each other and the next - hatred.  Or at least nagging, lingering annoyance.  I've already got some perfect pictures to go here too.  But the amount of red is throwing me off. It isn't my favorite color and kind of doesn't go with some of my picture possibilities.

The great folks at Shutterfly also have a huge variety of other cards, calendars, mugs, invitations, and even New Year's cards. (which might be something else for me to consider, since we always seem to be late with the cards...)

The best part for bloggers is that they are giving away 50 free cards to folks who take some time to do a write up - like me and you! So scoot on over there right now and sign up to get your own! Any blogger can do it - no matter how small (or nonexistent) your readership is!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Totally and Completely the wrong time for this...

but I'm starting a weight loss journey. And I might as well use this blog to write about it.

At the doctor on November 4th I was 170 pounds. I am 5 feet 5 inches tall. My BMI is approximately 28. I am overweight by about 25 pounds.

I haven't thought about how I will do this. I've got some ideas. I am going to commit to it, here on my 0 readers blog: I'm going to loose this weight! Even with little support, I'm going to do this! I have to, if I want to be healthy for my daughters.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Another Not Me! Monday

wherein I will not admit that I neglected my health to the point where I am now super sick - nope not me! I did not ignore a cough for 2 weeks (because I felt fine other than hacking up a lung.) I did not work myself into a case of the flu AND pneumonia. Nope, not me!

Now I am not sitting home, for 3 days, with a hugely high white cell count, feeling very sick and sorry for myself. Nope, not me!

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Not Me Monday

This will be short. There is no way my husband and I were so busy with moving, painting, etc. that we bypassed our daily showers for several days. Nope, not us. We know that when we start to smell ourselves, it is not time to just change undies and add more deodorant. Nope, if we start to smell ourselves, we shower.

There is just no way I say!! Not me and my husband!

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.